Event Information

Bhagavad Gita is a sovereign response of the inmost dimension of human personality to the crisis of emotions and paralyzing fears, when life’s course begins to stifle individuals beyond measure. Life on the earth is, at its best, beautiful and harmonious; but at its worst can be tormenting. Bhagavad Gita suggests that unless the great impersonality of the inmost Self is discovered, human mind will not be able to successfully course through the challenges and vicissitudes, preserving peace and poise for oneself, and extending welfare to others. Why a need for the Global Bhagavad Gita Convention? The Bhagavad Gita, or the Divine Song, takes place in the form of questions and answers between Arjuna, the foremost hero of an impending colossal war, and Krishna, an enlightened Master. The battlefield setting of the dialogue is an intriguing backdrop, which greatly enhances the relevance of the message to one and all. The Gita has practical lessons for each of us, providing deep insights on how to masterfully lead our life, conquering obstacles, real and imagined, and emerging victorious internally and externally. To raise and deepen awareness of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and how to successfully imbibe them in our lives is the main purpose of the Global Bhagavad Gita Convention. The Convention will feature themes and sessions to address questions and topics such as:

Is there an inward Soul that can be the source of timeless wisdom and strength useful in all contexts in life?
Can men and women from all walks generate a practical vision from such a great impersonal Soul?
Can Bhagavad Gita provide benefits that are relevant to the modern facts and compulsions of life irrespective of one’s racial, religious, or ethnic identity?
How to understand Bhagavad Gita as a book of excellence in leadership and performance for anybody engaged in any field of activity, in particular the field of management and administration.
How to learn and apply key principles and messages from Bhagavad Gita such that it provides immediate, practical benefits.
What can I expect at the Convention?
The convention is designed to enlighten, guide individuals and stimulate in them an abiding interest in the Bhagavad Gita as an anchor, support, and guide for one’s life through:
Two days of positive, life-transforming knowledge sessions to lead us to a discovery of one’s inmost core that is an infinite source of wisdom and strength.
Practical wisdom that is ancient, yet completely relevant in the contemporary world, shared through direct, first-hand experiences by distinguished spiritual masters, academic scholars, community leaders and professionals. Topics that will be covered include:
  • Key to enlightened action amidst multi-faceted interactions
  • Integration of Jnaana (Knowledge), Karma (Action), and Bhakti (Devotion) for a life of abiding harmony
  • Transcending emotional pulls and pushes of raaga-dvesha (attractions-repulsions)
  • Key leadership guideposts and lessons for organizational leaders
  • Cultivating qualities of stability, clarity, and decisiveness - three pillars of leadership from Bhagavad Gita
  • Learning Buddhi-yoga (path of knowledge to realize the Self)
Opportunities to ask your specific questions and interact with the speakers and other like minded people
Opportunity to join a free e-learning program providing user-friendly courses to learn Bhagavad Gita


15 September 2018
16 September 2018


George Mason University
Center for the Arts - Concert Hall
4373 Mason Pond Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030